April Whitzman

How the Pistons Used Rover to Drive Season Ticket Member Renewals with a Personalized Season Recap

The Detroit Pistons leveraged the Rover Platform to create an innovative and personalized mobile campaign that significantly boosted season ticket member renewals for the 2023-2024 season. By offering a customized 1-to-1 personalized season recap, the Pistons provided their fans with a unique and engaging experience that went beyond the usual metrics of team performance to enhance the fan experience and recognize their commitment to the club.

The personalized season recap campaign was designed to highlight the individual experiences of each season ticket holder. Utilizing Rover’s Ticketmaster Integration, the team provided each fan with a personalized detailed summary of the games they attended, creating a sense of personal involvement and commitment to the team, all while delivering a welcomed, personalized change from traditional 'one-to-many' style content.

Impact of the Campaign

“We saw a lift in membership renewals among those who received our end of season wrapped campaign,” said Kristen Alberti, the Pistons’ Director of Marketing Operations.
“The Rover Platform helped us deliver a truly personalized campaign to our members, driving revenue and unlocking a unique one-to-one fan experience. We look forward to leveraging the product further to enhance the member experience next year!”

Simplifying the Renewal Process and Acknowledging Loyal Fans

One of the standout features of the campaign was the final screen, which provided fans with an effortless way to renew their memberships. This screen included straightforward information for renewing memberships, along with contact information for that member’s Pistons’ account rep. Additionally, there were easily accessible buttons to contact their representative via phone or email.

Further contextualizing this experience, was that the renewal call-to-action was only displayed for members who had yet to renew. Those who had already renewed saw a screen reiterating the team's gratitude for their support. This thoughtful touch ensured that all communication acknowledged and recognized fans for their commitment, further enhancing the overall fan experience.

Enhancing the Member Experience

For the Pistons, the member experience was crafted to emphasize unique member perks rather than merely team performance. While it showed the number of games attended and highlighted some young Pistons’ players' stats, the campaign also detailed various experiences and benefits that came with being a season ticket holder. This approach ensured that members felt valued and appreciated.

For example, the campaign specifically showcased the giveaways and perks each fan received, reinforcing the value of their membership, such as the number of reward points each member earned. The campaign also highlighted the positive impacts made by the organization, such as donations and money raised, fostering a sense of pride and community among fans. 


The Detroit Pistons' use of Rover to drive season ticket member renewals with their personalized season recap was a resounding success. By focusing on individual fan experiences and providing tailored content, the Pistons were able to deepen their connection with their fans, resulting in increased renewals and a more rewarding member experience, paving the way for continued success in future seasons.